Find the membership option that's right for you
Apply for TASSA membership today to work together to tackle vehicle crime head on
If you want to become a member but none of our current options seem suitable, let us know and we can see how we can help

>> You design, manufacture or sell wholesale vehicle security products and / or services.
>> You want to demonstrate that your company and it's products and / or services meet our industry leading standards.
>> You are committed to maintaining the quality and operation of your product and the reputation of your brand and industry.
Products and Services
>> You design, manufacture or sell wholesale vehicle security products and / or services.
>> You want to demonstrate that your company and it's products and / or services meet our industry leading standards.
>> You are committed to maintaining the quality and operation of your product and the reputation of your brand and industry.
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>> You are a company or sole trader who installs vehicle security products as part of their trade.
>> You want to demonstrate that your products are fitted by trusted registered installers.
>> You are committed to upholding high standards, protecting consumers, and driving down crime.
Installation Company
>> You are a company or sole trader who installs vehicle security products as part of their trade.
>> You want to demonstrate that your products are fitted by trusted registered installers.
>> You are committed to upholding high standards, protecting consumers, and driving down crime.
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>> You are an individual who installs vehicle security products.
>> You want to demonstrate to customers and your current or future employer that you are:
• trained and certified to fit certain vehicle security products
• fully insured
• competent and trusted
Installer (Individual)
>> You are an individual who installs vehicle security products.
>> You want to demonstrate to customers and your current or future employer that you are:
• trained and certified to fit certain vehicle security products
• fully insured
• competent and trusted
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>> You or your organisation are part of the wider vehicle security industry, including but not limited to:
• insurance
• law enforcement
• government
>> You want to work collaboratively, using state of the art tools to tackle vehicle crime effectively and efficiently.
>> You or your organisation are part of the wider vehicle security industry, including but not limited to:
• insurance
• law enforcement
• government
>> You want to work collaboratively, using state of the art tools to tackle vehicle crime effectively and efficiently.
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Why should I consider TASSA Membership?
TASSA membership demonstrates a commitment to making a difference and to tackling vehicle crime head on through innovation and collaboration.
TASSA membership and registration demonstrates that you, have successfully passed our rigorous verification checks against our industry leading independent standards. This gives customers, insurers and law enforcement confidence that products and services are fit for purpose and provided correctly and safely by a trusted individual or organisation. TASSA membership also provides you with access to a range of benefits, including: >> stolen vehicle and vehicle clone check tools >> the TASSA database >> industry representation >> exclusive discounts
What is TASSA Verification and do I need it to be a TASSA member?
What are TASSA's commitments to it's members?
The TASSA Industry Standards are expertly designed to support innovation against vehicle theft while ensuring that consumers continue to be adequately protected and that best practice is strictly adhered to at all times. We complete verification checks against the TASSA standards over members, vehicle security products and services, installation companies, and individual installers. This ensures that customers and third parties can trust in our name and mitigates the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. All prospective TASSA members must pass our verification checks before membership is granted. Please note the nature and extent of our verification requirements and process varies depending on membership type.
» We are committed to become the foremost innovation accrediting body for aftermarket security systems in the UK. » We will use our core guiding principles of independence, collaboration, and innovation to protect consumers and drive down crime. » We will not sit still – we strive to innovate and improve our services to raise standards, quality, expectations, and reputations across the industry. » We will continue to work closely and build strong working relationships with our members, insurers, police, government and Financial Ombudsman Service. » We will listen – we want to hear from you and will give full consideration to your feedback and ideas. » We will always maintain our strict independence and impartiality and only work with those who continue to meet our high standards